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1. Do you support re-aligning municipal and regional transportation plans and investments to meet the provincial government’s CleanBC target to “reduce distances travelled in light-duty vehicles by 2030 compared to 2020?
I’d like to see more multi-modal transportation support (transit, bike, park & walk), and I’d like to see more adoption of non-combustion modes of transportation. Overall I’d like to see less emissions – regardless of how that’s accomplished either by shorter travel distances, more transit, more multi-modal and active transportation choices or the use of electric vehicles or vehicles that are far more efficient (ie: hybrid vehicles).
2. Do you support making the default speed limit 30 km/h for streets without centrelines, as Victoria has already supported?
3. Do you commit to budgeting sufficient funds to accelerate the the walking, rolling, cycling and transit portions of Go Victoria?
Without knowing what “”sufficient funds”” are and the many competing demands on budget dollars, it is not possible to answer this question.
4. Do you support using neighbourhood-wide traffic calming to create low traffic neighbourhoods with much lower traffic volume with quick build materials?
Cutting off collector roads and arterials creates higher traffic neighbourhoods as those on Quamichan or around Vancouver St. have experienced. These initiatives need to be carefully examined. Note – the Woonerf concept on Kings Road between Cook and Fernwood (Oaklands) is an example where it has been done well, however, as a result of the changes to Haultain, it has come under strain as vehicle traffic has increased.
5. How would you support making walking safer and more enjoyable in Victoria?
Ensure crosswalks are appropriately lit and painted, encourage low traffic speed on residential streets, enforce bylaws to ensure sidewalks are kept clear of debris, ensure sidewalks are repaired as needed, identify areas where sidewalk improvements are needed. Consider more scramble crosswalks downtown. Use data to identify areas for priority improvement.
6. Do you support building at least 15 km of new all ages and abilities (“AAA”) bike and roll routes throughout Victoria?
Before building new routes we need to review the existing routes and need to address and remediate any areas that are compromising public safety or having negative consequences for emergency response vehicles.
7. Do you support welcoming people who use wheelchairs and mobility scooters to use all ages and abilities (AAA) bike and roll routes?
I’d like to engage with the disability community to learn more about how those who use mobility scooters and wheelchairs feel about using the AAA routes.
8. Do you support rapidly completing 24/7 bus lanes along Douglas Street through downtown Victoria, as well as similar measures along all of BC Transit’s proposed RapidBus routes in Victoria?
I think RapidBus is a positive improvement – however, fail to see the need for 24/7 dedicated lanes to facilitate it’s use and think that having the lanes also be used by high occupancy vehicles (with 3 or more occupants) might be a better way to lower emissions by reducing the number of single occupant vehicles on the road. Queue jumper bus lanes (with photo enforcement) makes a lot of sense.
9. With the court-imposed deadline of March 14, 2023 to keep the Island Rail Corridor intact, how would you support modern rail service for Vancouver Island?
This is a provincial issue that requires the province to prioritize this amenity and at the least, extend the deadline of March 14, 2023.
10. Do you support making transit fares more affordable, both by reducing the cost of passes and individual fares and free or discounted passes for youth, seniors, and people living on low incomes?
Transit is a cost-effective transportation option. It is already free for those under 12 as a result of provincial policy. I would further support it being free for those on BC Disability and those over the age of 65. Lastly, a hop-on-hop off service (perhaps free with proof of parking) for the downtown core (ideally electric) could be incredibly useful to facilitate enjoyment of our downtown area and reduce emissions.
11. Do you support removing the requirements for off-street vehicle parking from new and infill developments while adding requirements for car share, EV charging, bike and other micromobilty parking, as well as expanding accessible parking?
I support expanding accessible parking, but feel that removing requirements for off-street vehicle parking may result in more difficulties accommodating population growth and transportation needs. I’d prefer to see more parkade and off street parking options to enable our streets to function as best as possible for active travel, transit, the movement of vehicles and possible patio space. Further, we are a regional core with a diverse population – and we need to accommodate the full spectrum of transportation needs.
12. How would you activate and bring more people into public spaces within Victoria, including sidewalks, public squares, streets and parks?
Seek to reduce crime by supporting a culture of public safety and respect, supporting local businesses and events, and ensuring that people feel welcome in our public spaces.
13. Do you support adding substantively more accessible public bathrooms across Victoria?
Yes – I feel accessible public restrooms (and in particular those that meet a “changing places standard”) are needed. I’d also like to see portable accessible washrooms that could be used to improve the accessibility of public events.