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1. Do you support re-aligning municipal and regional transportation plans and investments to meet the provincial government’s CleanBC target to “reduce distances travelled in light-duty vehicles by 2030 compared to 2020″?
2. Do you support making the default speed limit 30 km/h for streets without centrelines, as Victoria has already supported?
Yes- although I am in Vic.
3. Do you commit to budgeting sufficient funds to accelerate the the walking, rolling, cycling and transit portions of Go Victoria?
100% it also feeds into achieving the goal outlined in the first question.
4. Do you support using neighbourhood-wide traffic calming to create low traffic neighbourhoods with much lower traffic volume with quick build materials?
Yes! More traffic calming makes pedestrians and rollers alike feel safer within their community.
5. How would you support making walking safer and more enjoyable in Victoria?
Pedestrianized streets and avenues, calming traffic along areas like Quadra street in Quadra village, increasing our urban tree canopy, studying urban accretion to make future decisions for walkway additions.
6. Do you support building at least 15 km of new all ages and abilities (“AAA”) bike and roll routes throughout Victoria?
Of course! We also need to work on a regional plan for bike and roll that connects the region.
7. Do you support welcoming people who use wheelchairs and mobility scooters to use all ages and abilities (AAA) bike and roll routes?
8. Do you support rapidly completing 24/7 bus lanes along Douglas Street through downtown Victoria, as well as similar measures along all of BC Transit’s proposed RapidBus routes in Victoria?
9. With the court-imposed deadline of March 14, 2023 to keep the Island Rail Corridor intact, how would you support modern rail service for Vancouver Island?
Upgrading to LRT routes along Douglas and connecting Westshore to the core. Connections up with train service to Sidney and the airport, as well as connections leading up to Nanaimo. Rail connection should be seen as the future for connecting the island. It would allow more people to travel further more quickly, while also having less of an impact on both infrastructure and the environment. A regular rail service connecting greater Victoria alone would have immense benefits on traffic/commute times, and also make the region feel more connected and cohesive. Service up island could connect people to the natural beauty outside of South Island, and also make it easier to grab some cinnamon buns in Ladysmith or Nanaimo bars.
10. Do you support making transit fares more affordable, both by reducing the cost of passes and individual fares and free or discounted passes for youth, seniors, and people living on low incomes?
11. Do you support removing the requirements for off-street vehicle parking from new and infill developments while adding requirements for car share, EV charging, bike and other micromobility parking, as well as expanding accessible parking?
12. How would you activate and bring more people into public spaces within Victoria, including sidewalks, public squares, streets and parks?
Make them friendly! if we can create inviting and beautiful spaces for people to visit, they will come. Bonus points if we can make it easy and convenient for them to get there without needing a vehicle. transit access, safe and secure bike and roll, or within a non-hostile walking environment
13. Do you support adding substantively more accessible public bathrooms across Victoria?