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1. Do you support re-aligning municipal and regional transportation plans and investments to meet the provincial government’s CleanBC target to “reduce distances travelled in light-duty vehicles by 2030 compared to 2020″?

Absolutely. And this is the least we can do.

2. Do you support making the default speed limit 30 km/h for streets without centrelines, as Saanich has already committed to doing?

I think this policy makes good sense and would support it fully.

3. Do you commit to budgeting sufficient funds to accelerate the Saanich 2018 Active Transportation Plan?

I do. I believe in the long run, active transport will save both our citizens and our services money in the health outcomes inherent in this kind of travel.

4. Do you support using neighbourhood-wide traffic calming to create low traffic neighbourhoods with much lower traffic volume with quick build materials?

I do. They have worked well in every community where I’ve seen them employed as well as in Portland and other cities where we’ve taken our sustainability students over the years. I would like to see them employed in my home community of Cordova Bay as well.

5. How would you support making walking safer and more enjoyable in Saanich?

Sidewalks is the obvious answer but increasing trails as “”wilderness”” links through our community has worked so well in many places (including improvements along Wilkinson road for example).

6. Do you support building a network of all ages and abilities (“AAA”) bike and roll routes throughout Saanich?

I do. As an avid cyclist and one who is increasingly encouraging his young son do be the same, bikeable communities are a priority for me.

7. Do you support welcoming people who use wheelchairs and mobility scooters to use all ages and abilities (AAA) bike and roll routes?

I’ve worked a great deal with two students in the last four years, including travelling across the country by train and have seen the difference it’s made when they’re needs are met. Very committed to this.

8. Do you support rapidly completing 24/7 bus lanes along McKenzie to UVic for BC Transit’s proposed RapidBus route, as well as similar measures along all proposed RapidBus routes in Saanich?

I do. It’s proven policy and, short of dedicated light rail, is the quickest policy moving forward.

9. With the court-imposed deadline of March 14, 2023 to keep the Island Rail Corridor intact, how would you support modern rail service for Vancouver Island?

I am a HUGE proponent of the Island Rail Corridor. Also not directly in Saanich, citizens would benefit from reduced traffic and the opportunities and economic benefits of increased “eco” tourism.

10. Do you support making transit fares more affordable, both by reducing the cost of passes and individual fares and free or discounted passes for youth, seniors, and people living on low incomes?

I do. No question.

11. Do you support removing the requirements for off-street vehicle parking from new and infill developments while adding requirements for car share, EV charging, bike and other micromobilty parking, as well as expanding accessible parking?

I do. Each of these represent sound policy decision-making to me.

12. How would you activate and bring more people into public spaces within Saanich, including sidewalks, public squares, streets and parks?

As an educator of 30 years, I believe education is the key to making such transitions. The result, in the health of our community, will speak for itself.

13. Do you support adding substantively more accessible public bathrooms across Saanich?

I do. Again this is good policy.


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